Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    Fashions from 1813

    If you'd been living two hundred years ago, you might be spending part of the days of early autumn reading Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. And you might be wearing one of these ensembles, from Victoria's collection of Fashion Plates.

    Ackermann's Repository, Jan. 1813
    Morning Walking Dress:
    A round robe of Cambric muslin, with long full sleeves and simple short collar confined in the center of the throat with a stud or broach; the same fastening the dress at the wrist. A robe pelisse of bright morone velvet formed quite plain, simply meeting in the front, with rounded collar; trimmed entirely round with spotted ermine, and confined at the bottom of the waist with a ribband of corresponding shades tied in front.

    A Flora cap, ornamented with ribband and mall flower on the left  side. A village hat of morone velvet, with open edge of black chenille; a flower similar to that which ornaments the cap, placed on the opposite side, and tied under the chin with the same ribband.
    Half- boots of morone velvet, or kid. Gloves of pale tan or amber kid. Ridicule of morone velvet, embroidered with gold.
    Ackermann's Repository, March 1813
    A round robe of coloured sarsnet, or muslin, spotted with amber; drawn frock bosom; and long, full sleeves tied twice at the wrist at regular distances. A tucker or lace, or plaited net.

    A cap a la Russe, composed of white satin and lace, confined with a ribband round the head, terminating in bows and ends on one side. Hair in dishevelled curls. Necklace and cross of amber beads. Gloves and shoes of lemon-coloured kid. Spanish capuchin, or lappelled cloak of white or stone-coloured kerseymere, embroidered with a rich border, in chenille and silk.

    Ackermann's Repository, April 1813
    Morning Dress:

    A Polonese robe and petticoat of fine cambric or jaconot muslin, ornamented at its several terminations with a border of net-work, furnished with an edging of muslin, gathered very full, and a vandyke cuff, en suite.
    A bonnet-cap, composed of jonquille satin, and treble borders of scollopped lace, confined on one side with ribband of the same colour. Gloves and slippers of yellow kid.
    This robe, so attractive, novel, and elegant, is more particularly adapted to the slender or tall figure; and is furnished us from the house of Mrs. Gill of Cork-street, Burlington Gardens, to whose unrivalled taste, unique elegance, and novelty of design, we have for some time past been indebted for the superior order of female fashions by which, we flatter ourselves, this publication is ever distinguished.

    Ackermann's Repository April 1813
    Carriage Dress
    A high round robe of jaconet or cambric muslin, with plaited bodice, long sleeve, and deep falling frill, terminated with a vandyke of needle work. A Russian mantle, of Pomona, or spring green sarsnet, lined with white satin,  and trimmed with rich frog fringe and binding, confined with a cord and tassel, as taste or convenience may direct.

     A cottage slouch bonnet, of corresponding materials, edged with antique scolloped lace, confined under the chin with ribbon, tied on the left side; and appositely ornamented with a small cluster o spring flowers  Slippers of green kid, or jean, and gloves of primrose kid.

    LaBelle Assemblee, June 1813
    Afternoon Promenade Dress:

    Short dress of jaconet muslin, made rather scantier in the skirt than they have been worn, and cut down as much as possible all around the bosom and back of the neck.  The body is full, but drawn in at the top of the back, which is ornamented with a while silk button, and confined to the waist by a girdle of rich white figured ribband; a jacket of the same materials as the gown, fastened to the waist by a white silk button, complete this truly elegant dress which is unequalled for tasteful simplicity. Over this our fair pedestrians throw a sky-blue scarf.

    Bonnet of white-willow shavings, ornamented with a flower and wreath of sky-blue, and tied under the chin with a ribband to correspond. Hair dressed in very loose curls on each side of the temple and divided very much in front. Gloves and sandals of sky-blue kid. Necklace and earrings of white cornelian. Johnston parasol. This elegant appendage to the walking costume, is also of sky-blue silk, and finished with a rich and deep fringe; it has very recently made its appearance, and is already a general favorite.

      Ackermann’s Repository, August, 1813
    Morning Dress
     A petticoat of jaconet or cambric muslin; with a Cossack coat, or three-quartered pelisse of lemon-coloured sarsnet, with vandyke Spanish border of a deeper shade.   Full sleeves, confined at the wrist with a broad elastic gold bracelet; confined also, at the bottom of the waist, with a ribband en suite.
    Foundling cap of lace, with full double border in front, confined under the chin with a ribband the color of the pelisse, and tied on one side; a bunch of variegated carnations placed on the left side. Gloves and Roman slippers of lemon-coloured kid.
    Some descriptions courtesy of Susan Forgue's website:
    user name: JAScholar
     password:  Academia

    and Author Candice Hern's website:

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