Thursday, January 10, 2013

    Court and Fashionable Life - January 1835


    The Court Journal: Gazette of the Fashionable World
    Saturday, January 24, 1835


    — The Duchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria leave St Leonard's for Kensington Palace on Tuesday next.
    — The Duchess of Gloucester remains in town. Her Royal Highness receives visits occasionally from the Duke of Cumberland and the Princesses Sophia and Sophia of Gloucester, but in other respects lives in a very retired manner.
    — The Duke of Wellington has been prevented by a cold from leaving Apsley House during the last day or two.
    — Sir George Murray was expected to return to town in the middle of last week from Scotland; by letters received in town from Edinburgh, however, it appears that the stay of Sir George in the North will be prolonged for some time.
    — Mrs Wynn and family arrived in town from Wales in the early part of the week, to join Mr Wynn, whose presence in town, as a Cabinet Minister, will be necessary till the meeting of Parliament.
    — Lord and Lady Sidney arrived at Thomas's Hotel, Berkeley Square, yesterday, from Paris.

    — The Duke of Manchester left town, yesterday, for his seat, Kimbolton Castle, Huntingdonshire (above).
    — Laleikin Pacha, the new Turkish minister, is expected to arrive here early in the ensuing month. Namik Pacha, on the arrival of his successor, will immediately take his departure for Constantinople.
    — A Cabinet Council was held at three o'clock, yesterday afternoon, at the Foreign Office, which was attended by Sir Robert Peel, the Earl of Rosslyn, Mr Secretary Goulburn, the Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Ellenborough, Earl de Grey, the Right Hon. J. Herries, and Sir Edward Knatchbull. The Ministers were in deliberation till half-past four o'clock.
    — Mr Thomas Miller, Keeper of the Records of Honduras, has arrived in town, and had an interview with Mr Under Secretary Hay, at the Colonial Office, on Thursday.
    — Lord Rosslyn, as Lord President of the Council, gives a grand dinner in the early part of next month to the Ministers and a select party, on the occasion of arranging the List of Sheriffs for England and Wales for the present year, previously to its being submitted to the King.
    — The Duke of Cumberland, accompanied by Sir Charles Manners Sutton, paid a visit to the new Houses of Parliament a few days since. Both Houses are now nearly finished. The walls of the House of Commons are lined throughout with canvas, covered with varnished crimson paper, handsomely ornamented. The paper of the House of Peers is a striped pattern, and has also a very elegant appearance. The stoves for warming both with steam have been finished and tried, and answer all the purposes intended.
    — The Duke of Sussex intends prolonging his visit to his friend Lord Dinorben, at Kinnoull Abbey, till within a few days of the opening of Parliament.
    — Lord and Lady Granville arrived at Devonshire House on Monday afternoon, from Paris.

    — Prince Talleyrand (above) is about to pay a visit to Rochelle, the seat of the Duchess de Dino, in Germany.
    — Sir C. Wetherell had a dinner party on Monday, to meet the Duke of Cumberland, at the Chambers of the Hon. and Learned Knight, in Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn.
    — We regret to state that the Princess Leiven is suffering from severe indisposition.
    — Armi Bey Achmet Effendi and Mr Urquhart, arrived in town on Sunday, from Constantinople.
    — Earl and Countess Howe are staying at Gopsal Hall, near Atherstone, where they will remain till the meeting of the new Parliament.
    — Lord Granville Somerset (First Commissioner of the Woods and Forests) has returned to town from attending his election. His Lordship, on his arrival, paid visits to the Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel.
    — The Duchess of Berri gave birth to a daughter last month, at Brandies, in Bohemia. The child lived but a few hours.
    — Lord De Lisle and Dudley has resigned his Equerryship to the King, having been appointed one of the Lords in Waiting to his Majesty.
    Serious Illness of his Royal Highness the Prince of Orange,—We regret to learn by the last advices from Holland that the Prince of Orange is alarmingly indisposed. His complaint is influenza; and it said that although the attack was exceedingly violent, yet his Royal Highness treated it with indifference, refusing medical aid till it was feared that all assistance would be unavailing.— The Prince's illness was not publicly known at the Hague until Sunday evening, nor officially announced till Monday morning, though he had returned to his residence there on Saturday evening. Its announcement produced a very general gloom'over the public mind. It now appears, that the Prince has been indisposed at his headquarters for a fortnight past. All the accounts speak despondingly of the Prince's illness, and the bulletins issued seem to intimate that the worst was to be feared.
    — Lord Fitzroy Somerset's list of visitors on Tuesday, were—Major- General Mawby, Colonel Parker, Colonel Dickson, Colonel Tovey, MajorGeneral Bradford, Major Taylor, and about thirty other officers.

    — The Marchioness of Conyngham (above), we understand, is about to pay a lengthened visit to the South of France.
    — The Earl and Countess of Carlisle and the Ladies Howard, arrived at Carlisle House, Grosvenor place, on Monday afternoon, from Castle Howard, Yorkshire.
    — Earl de Grey returned on Monday, to his residence in St James's Square, from his seat at Wrest Park, where his Lordship went to entertain a shooting party. Countess de Grey has been on a visit to the Earl and Countess Cowper, at Pansanger. His Lordship will shortly commence his official dinner parties to his colleagues in office.
    — Lord Durham is not expected to return to town from Durham Castle, until a week before the meeting of Parliament,
    — The Earl of Aberdeen gave his first Cabinet dinner, on Wednesday, at Argyll House. There were present the Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, the Lord Chancellor, Earl of Rosslyn, Earl de Grey, Lord Wharncliffe, Lord Ellenborough, Sir George Murray, Right Hon. Messrs Herries, Baring, C. W. Wynn, and H. Goulbum, Sir Edward Knatchbull, &c.
    — The new Paymaster-General, Sir Edward Knatchbull, has resigned the Chairmanship of the East Kent Quarter Sessions.
    — On Tuesday last, Mr and Mrs Skinner, of Portland place, left their hospitable residence there, for their charming country seat, Shirley Park, near Croydon.

    — A splendid fete was given at Wynyard Park (above) on Monday last in honour of the birth-day of the Marchioness of Londonderry, who, on the Saturday preceding, completed her thirty-fifth birth day.
    — His Excellency the Baron d'Ompteda, gave a grand banquet on Sunday evening, in Grosvenor place, to the Duke of Cumberland, Sir George Quentin, Sir Robert Peel, Baron Blome, Count Seckendorff, Count Medem, M. de Huminelauer, Count Ludolff, Count d'Aglie, Count Jennison, Lord Cowley, Chevalier Dedcl, Sir George Rose, Baron Zuylen, Colonel Bentinck, Sir Edward Cust, and Mr Lichtenbcrg.
    — Armi Bey and Achmet Eft'endi, the Ottoman Nobles, just arrived from Constantinople, are understood to have been entrusted by the Sultan on a mission to acquire the information which may enable him to establish a military school for the education and improvement of young officers, for which purpose they will visit Woolwich, Sandhurst, Addiscombe, &c. They both hold high rank in the Turkish army, and travelled through Germany and part of France, on their way to England.
    — We regret to announce the decease of the Lady Susan Lygon, which took place on Friday last, at Port Elliot, in Cornwall. Her Ladyship had long been in a declining state of health, but no serious apprehension of danger was entertained till a very short time previous to her dissolution; indeed the first intelligence that reached Colonel Lygon of the dangerous state of his Lady, was on the day of her decease, while he was attending his election duties, at Worcester. The gallant Colonel instantly ordered post-horses, and proceeded to Port Elliot, but, unfortunately, not in sufficient time to find her Ladyship alive. The demise of Lady Susan Lygon has put several Noble families into mourning, including those of Earl Beauchamp, Earl of St Germans, Earl of Longford, &c. Her Ladyship was only in her 36th year, and has left a numerous family to deplore her loss.
    Senatorial Costume of Belgium. — The Chamber of Representees met in a Secret Committee on Saturday last, for the purpose of deliberating in what costume the Members should appear at a ball at Court, on the 10th of February, at which they are invited to appear in costume. On Monday there was another Secret Committee for the same purpose, in which the following resolution was adopted by a large majority, after a long debate :—" The star adopted by the Chamber, worn on an ordinary dress, is a recognised costume, and forms the costume of the representatives. It is to be understood that on no occasion, either the Chamber, or any of its members, will be obliged to wear the costume."

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