If you're a fan of British telly (and who isn't. No question mark needed) you must check out Acorn TV. For a mere $29.99 per year, it allows you to stream a wide range of British television programs to your computer, with the schedule changing each month. For $79.99, you can bundle the package with a Roku player, which will allow you to watch the shows on your television. If you just don't know what to ask for this Christmas, this is just the ticket. Heck, even if you've already asked for a whacking great number of items, tack this on, as well.
I couldn't wait for Christmas and ordered it for myself and it arrived just in time for Thanksgiving, on which day I had my son hook it up for me. Turkey and telly - heaven. Here are just a few of the programs available - Prime Suspect, Poirot, The Last Detective, Pie In The Sky, Midsomer Murders, Poldark, Miss Marple, Rosemary & Thyme, Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill, Fingersmith, Above Suspicion, Touching Evil, etc., etc. It's fabulous to be able to watch all my favorite shows, whenever I want them. And the schedule rotates often enough that you'll always have something new to watch. Currently, they're running a Most Mysterious Christmas Specials marathon, featuring holiday episodes of all our favorite mysteries. So order the stream, light the fire, pour the sherry and enjoy. Merry Christmas, indeed.
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