Friday, August 17, 2012

    Sefton's Commemorative Statue

    Recently, we wrote a post about Sefton, a Household Cavalry horse who was en route to the Changing of the Guard ceremony when he was wounded on 20 July 1982 by an IRA nail bomb that exploded in London’s Hyde Park killing four soldiers and seven horses. You can read the post here.

    We thought you might like to know that Sefton is being remembered with a life size bronze statue to be unveiled Spring 2013. The statue is being created by artist Camilla Le May, who has written about the people who knew Sefton, the creative process and the assembly of the statue on her blog, found here.

    You can also learn more about Sefton, a real life War Horse, on the National Army Museum's War Horse Exhibition website here.

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