Monday, July 23, 2012

    The Court Journal for July 1835


     Gazette of the Fashionable World
    July 1835

    — Their Majesties will come to town on Tuesday, and remain till Saturday, during which time two grand dinners will be given at the Palace. The King will hold an investiture of the Most Illustrious Order of St Patrick on Tuesday, at which the Earl of Howth will be appointed a Knight Commander of the Order. On Thursday his Majesty will inspect the Artillery at Woolwich.
    The King and Queen will give a grand entertainment at St James's Palace on Saturday next, in honour of the birth-day of the amiable Duchess of Cambridge. All the Royal Family, the foreign Ambassadors and their Ladies, his Majesty's Ministers, the usual Court Circle, and a select number of the Nobility, are invited to the banquet.
    The Duke of Cumberland honoured Viscount Canterbury with his company at dinner on Thursday evening. The Marquess Camden, Marquess of Hertford, Lords Lyndhurst, Hill, Fitzgerald, and Lieven, and a select party, were present to meet his Royal Highness.
    The Duke of Cumberland will shortly take his departure for the continent, to represent his Majesty at the coronation of the Emperor of Austria at Prague. The Royal Duke, after the coronation, will remain on the continent with the Duchess and Prince George until next year.
    — Sir Charles and Lady Ogle are preparing to take their departure for the Continent, where they will remain till the commencement of the next season.
    — Lord Elphinstone, one of his Majesty's Lords in Waiting, has been despatched to the Hague for the purpose of inviting his Majesty, the King of Wirtemburg, who, with his daughters, the Princesses Mary and Sophia, are at present staying on a visit to the King and Queen of Holland. His Majesty was last on a visit to the Royal Family here in 1830.

    The Marquess of Hertford (above) will give another splendid entertainment on Saturday next, at his beautiful villa, in the Regent's Park, to which more than five hundred distinguished persons are invited. It is said the noble marquess and his extensive suite will leave this country for Italy, soon after the prorogation of Parliament.
     — The King of Prussia has had medals struck in gold in honour of the late Emperor of Austria, which are intended for presents to diplomatists known to be favourable to the policy of the deceased Monarch. Copies in bronze are likewise to be taken, which are to be distributed among the soldiery.
    The Earl of Mulgrave is about to proceed on a tour through Ireland. The Countess, during his Lordship's absence, will pay a visit to Lord and Lady Ravensworth, in London.
    The Duke of Somerset and the Lady St Maur gave a dejeuner on Monday, at Wimbledon Park, which was graced by nearly all the persons of high rank and fashion now in the metropolis. It was a brilliant day, and a late hour in the evening before the company departed.

    The Marquess and Marchioness of Salisbury will give a grand entertainment at Hatfield House, next Saturday, to which the Duke of Wellington (above) and a large portion of the fashionable world are invited. The splendid palace, which has for some time been under a state of repair, is now finished. The interior has been newly decorated, and furnished in a style of magnificence peculiar to the refined taste of the noble owner.
      —The Duchess of St Albans lost a valuable ruby set with diamonds, at the Colosseum fete on Thursday week. It was picked up by a gentleman, and returned to her Grace a day or two afterwards.
    — We understand that the inhabitants of Hammersmith have had a public meeting, at which they determined to testify their loyalty by erecting a triumphal arch across the road on Thursday next, when their Majesties visit the Earl and Countess of Mansfield, at Caen Wood. The arch is to be sixty feet high by forty feet in width; and the various lodges and societies of the neighbourhood are to be drawn up on either side of the road with their bands of music.
    The marriage of Prince Leopold of Naples with Princess Maria of Orleans is now finally decided upon. The President and Grand Referendary of the Chamber of Peers are drawing up the articles, and the nuptials, which the King and Queen of the Belgians are to attend, are to take place at the Chateau d'Eu, in Normandy.
    The Opening Banquet at Goldsmith's Hall.—In order to do honour to the new Hall, a select party was invited to the opening dinner, which took place on Wednesday evening under very distinguished auspices. The Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, the Marquess Camden, Earl of Darlington, Lord Maryborough, Lord Abinger, the Vice-Chancellor, Lord Bexley, Sir Henry Hardinge, Sir Edward Cust, and many other persons of rank were present. The Duke of Wellington went in his state carriage, and was greeted with the hearty cheers of the crowd assembled to witness the company alight. Sir Robert Peel was received with a similar demonstration of popularity. The best arrangements were made for the reception of the guests, who amounted to about 250. The dinner took place in the Livery Hall, about seven o'clock, when the company sat down to a sumptuous repast, con sisting of all the luxuries and delicacies of the season. The band of the Coldstream Guards was stationed in the Marble Gallery. The chandeliers in the Livery Hall, especially the great one in the centre for seventy-two wax-lights, are perhaps as fine specimens of that manufacture as can be seen in or out of England. The branching arms, large and variegated centre shafts, exhibit nothing but glass, cither richly cut, or in masses of brilliant drops, long prisms, the whole when lighted producing a most dazzling effect. These, with the lustres in the Court rooms, as well as the great metal lamp chandelier, suspended from the dome over the grand staircase, were, we understand, supplied by Perry and Co., of Bond street.

    The Duchess of St. Albans (above) gave another Dejeuner Fete, at Holly Lodge, on Saturday last. The house and grounds were decorated with choice flowering plants, the balconies filled with pink hydrangeas and white lilies, the long walk and the lawn before the house had orange trees full of fruit, and round the door and the music tent were stands of splendid flowers. Three large temporary rooms were erected, hung with pink and white, the draperies wreathed with roses, and at the end large looking-glasses were placed, which increased the appearance of the gay scene. The entertainments commenced with a concert, conducted by Sir G. Smart and Signor Gahussi, in which Grisi, Malihran, Stockhausen, Lablache, Tans burini, Rubini, Mr and Mrs Bishop, Mr and Mrs Knyvett Philips performed. During the intervals between the singing, the Coldstream band played in the grounds. About six o'clock the guests sat down to the banquet, after which they went to the hill, where the Grand Falconer exhibited a flight of hawks. Dancing then commenced in the tent and ball-room, continuing until near midnight, except during the interval occupied by the fireworks, which were exceedingly splendid.
    — Lady Willoughby D'Eresby gave a grand ball last evening at her mansion in Piccadilly, which was so numerously attended, that for some time the street was rendered nearly impassable, although the ingress and egress were admirably regulated by the police.
    The third grand ball given on Thursday by the Officers at Woolwich, was attended by all the beauty and fashion in that neighbourhood, and a number of lovely women and distinguished persons from the metropolis.
    — Burleigh House, near Stamford, the magnificent seat of the Marquess of Exeter, on Tuesday last presented one continued scene of gaiety and old English hospitality, worthy the descendant of the great Lord Burleigh. All the Nobility and Gentry in that richly populated neighbourhood were invited, and many distinguished guests from London joined the enchanting scene of festivity and splendour.
    — Lord Stanley is at Knowsley Hall, in Lancashire, the seat of his father, the Earl of Derby. His Lordship will return to his duties in Parliament immediately after Liverpool races, where several horses from the stud of Lord Derby are engaged to run.
    The Duchess of Saxe-Weimar and family arrived at Deptford on Sunday from Rotterdam. Her Serene Highness was received by the Earl of Denbigh and Mr Hudson, and immediately entered one of the Royal carriages, followed by her suite in a second carriage and four. Near New Cross the Duchess was met by the Queen, and accompanied her Majesty to St James's.

    — On the evening of Tuesday week, while the Duchess of Cambridge was quitting the French Theatre, Sir James Reynett (above), who was handing her Royal Highness to her carriage, was robbed of a valuable gold snuff-box.
    The accomplished Duchess of Sutherland gave a grand assembly on Wednesday, at Sutherland House, in the Green Park. The mansion presented, in the interior, one continued blaze of light, which reflected splendor on the magnificent collection of pictures displayed in the rooms of that noble building.

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